Terracina is an Italian town of 44 657 inhabitants in the province of Latina in Lazio.
The city is located in the Pontine countryside on the southern edge of the plain itself, near the mouth of the Amaseno river, on the Tyrrhenian coast (Gulf of Gaeta).
Particularly mild thanks to the protection of the Ausoni mountains, located to the north of the city, which protect it from cold air currents. The coldest month, January, has a minimum temperature of 5 ° C, while the hottest month, July, has a maximum temperature between 30 ° C and 35 ° C. The average temperature on an annual basis is 17.4 ° C.
Monuments and places of interest
The city is traditionally divided into an upper city, the ancient city center with the acropolis, which developed further in medieval times, and a lower city, the result of an initial expansion in Roman times, along the road to the port, and of a second expansion which took place mainly in the 19th and 20th centuries, following the reclamation of the Pontine marshes by Pope Pius VI in the 18th century and later by Mussolini.
- Monumental complex of Foro Emiliano
- La concattedrale di San Cesareo
- Chiesa di San Giovanni
- Chiesa del Purgatorio
- Castello dei Frangipane
- Palazzo Braschi
- Madonna delle Grazie
- Chiesa e convento dell'Annunziata
- Chiesa di San Domenico
- Chiesa di San Francesco
- La chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore
- Parco nazionale del Circeo
- Monumento naturale Campo Soriano
- Monumento Naturale del Lago di Fondi
Fonte: wikipedia